First People is a synthesis of the work of archaeologists over the past 100 years to explain the chronology of pre-contact people of San Diego County over the past 12,000 years. Author Dennis Gallegos takes the reader through these 10 decades of sometimes conflicting scholarship to explain the story of the occupation by the First People. Combined with his 40 years of investigating archaeological sites, artifacts, land use patterning, and environmental setting and change, Gallegos presents a revised chronology for San Diego County. La Jolla is identified as a “Sweet Spot” for early travelers who may have arrived via the “Kelp Highway” to Windsong Shores in north San Diego County. Other travelers may have arrived from drying inland desert lakes circa 9,000 years ago.
$ 29.95
Book Details
- Categories: California: San Diego, History/Lore/Native Americans.
- Format: SC
- Pages: 136
- Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 11
- ISBN: 9780982267172
- Year Published: 2017
- Language: English
- Publisher: Dennis R. Gallegos