Distribution Services


What A Distributor Does

As a distributor, we act like an arm of the publishing client, working on an exclusive basis to provide critical services needed to get a book into the market. We actively solicit orders from libraries, bookstores, chain stores, specialty retailers, and wholesalers, Our goal is to build mutually profitable partnerships with our publishing clients and retailers over the long-term, via steady-selling titles in our specialty. We carry fire and comprehensive casualty insurance sufficient to cover the value of Distributor’s inventory of the Publisher’s Work at the rate of 30% of list price. We produce online and printed catalogs and attend appropriate events throughout the year. Our in-house sales staff submits new titles directly to major buyers of chain stores, wholesalers, retailers, and specialty customers.

While we expect our clients to develop and implement their own marketing and promotion plans, we want to work in cooperation with our clients to achieve maximum coverage for their titles. Our marketing program, for frontlist titles, includes production of sales materials and press kits for use by our sales and marketing staff and some scheduling of signings or speaking engagements, where appropriate. We make recommendations for Co-Op marketing opportunities to advertise titles in the catalogs of major wholesalers or for display opportunities in chain stores or major trade shows when available. We can also design appropriate ads for newspaper or newsletter advertising. If a title is deemed worthy, we will make recommendations to apply for book awards in appropriate categories.


What Is Expected from the Publisher

The Publisher designs and prints the book, has a marketing plan to sell the book, and works in partnership with the Distributor to get the book(s) to market. The publisher supplies necessary marketing materials that will help to create demand for the book and participates in marketing programs that will enhance sales. The Publisher agrees to ship the required number of books requested by the Distributor to the Distributor’s warehouse. The Publisher pays a one-time set up fee per title to defray the cost of setting up the title in the distribution system and in submissions to various distribution outlets. The Publisher provides promotional copies of the book(s) for the use of sales and for review copies.


Guidelines For Prospective Distribution Clients

Thank you for your interest in having your title or line of books distributed by Sunbelt Publications. Please review the following information, and email or write for clarification or further information.

Sunbelt is a specialty book and map distributor, focusing on regional history and reference. We have been in the business of publishing and distributing books for over thirty years. Our primary subject categories are natural and cultural history, outdoor adventure, natural science, and travel. Our sales territory is all of North America, with marketing focused in the western United States. We sell to the nation’s major wholesalers and retailers. If you feel that your product is a good fit for our program, see our submission requirements below. We currently distribute books for over 30 client publishers who combined have more than 120 titles.

Submission Requirements
1. We will need a sample of your product. Please note: All products must have ISBN and price on back cover in Bookland/EAN barcode format. A UV-coated cover (not varnish) and perfect binding are also recommended as they enhance the resalability of books received in returns. For hardcover books, we recommend having extra book jackets that can replace scuffed or damaged jackets that come back in returns so that the product can be resold to a new customer.

If you are contacting us prior to publication (we ideally want to know about books 3-6 months in advance of publication), we will need the following information:

a. Title, ISBN, retail price, author’s name, expected ship date
b. Publication format: hardcover, paperback, board book, e-book, etc.
c. New edition? Include ISBN for previous edition
d. Brief description of contents
e. Sample cover artwork

2. A description of your publishing program and marketing plans for your title(s) are strongly recommended. Please include biographical information about the author(s), especially as related to the subject matter of the book, and his/her availability to participate in promotional events.

Please note: Sunbelt will not consider POD (print-on-demand) books for distribution. Also, due to the volume of incoming submissions, we are unable to return review copies or any other materials received.

Your package may be submitted by mailing directly to Sunbelt Publications at 664 Marsat Court, Suite A, Chula Vista, CA 91911, or it may be submitted digitally by sending to editor@sunbeltpub.com.