American Indian Rock Art, published continuously since 1975, is the country’s premier series of volumes dedicated to research on rock art as presented at the annual conferences of the American Rock Art Research Association (ARARA). This volume contains 16 papers submitted for publication during the Covid-19 pandemic year of 2020, when the annual conference was cancelled. Topics cover documentation, interpretation, and technical analyses of numerous sites in the Plains and Greater Southwest regions and beyond with over 350 illustrations, most in color.
Pandemics are new to each generation that experiences one. However, they have been around since the beginning of time, and cultures that persevered left records for those of us that came after to teach us that hardships come and go. In 1810 and 1837 the tribes of the Northern Plains endured smallpox and recorded it in their winter counts. The pandemic of 2020 saw the world persevering in a number of ways, and many of us did so by writing about rock art and publishing it here to bear witness to the world of the importance of culture to humans. The offerings on the chokecherry bush on the front cover reminds us that people have found and continue to find many ways of making sure that blessings are bestowed on us in the end.