
Old Missions of the Californias with Max Kurillo

Have you ever wanted to know about all 48 missions of the Californias? We invited mission scholar and author Max Kurillo to Sunbelt Publications for a SB Live Chat on this very subject as covered in his new book, Old Missions of the Californias. In this book, all 48 of the California missions are detailed in the order of their founding and not based on a border that didn’t exist when the missions were built. Maps and photos from past and present provide a look at the missions from yesterday and today. Also Included are chapters on the founding Catholic Orders, on the mission road, El Camino Real, and a complete reference list of additional mission history sources. This comprehensive yet compact work belongs in your glovebox, backpack, and home library to enrich your travel and mission history experiences.

Even if you weren’t able to catch the talk live, it is available to view at your leisure below. Our full selection of Max Kurillo’s books are also on special through July 31st, so order soon!