
How Well Do You Know San Diego?

Source: La Jolla Light: Gems of the Week, June 18, 2018

San Diego: An Introduction to the Region, 5th editionThe revised and updated fifth edition of San Diego: An Introduction to the Region, by Philip Pryde is a must-read for insights on America’s Finest City. Pryde is a SDSU professor emeritus, who taught environmental policy for 32 years. First published in 1976, the 360-page book explains the geolgic processes that shaped the county; its Native American beginnings; climate, soils, vegetation, wildlife, mineral and agricultural resources transportation corridors and recreational facilities; the evolution of its cityscape and surrounding communities; transformation of the border; and future plans for the region. $27.95, Sunbelt Publications,

Our favorite excerpt: “La Jolla is often perceived as San Diego’s most distinctive community (in fact, many erroneously think it’s a separate city).”